You don't have to live with BPH
any longer!

New ESWT therapy improves quality of life for men
with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)


Introducing RegenePulse for Men,
a completely non-invasive, approach, proven
safe & effective for men with BPH

EWST, the science behind RegenePulse for BPH, has been used throughout the world safely & effectively in fields ranging from Orthopedics for soft tissue conditions to Urology for breaking up kidney stones and erectile dysfunction or E.D.. These uses have been documented in hundreds of published studies demonstrating the efficacy & safety for many different conditions throughout the world, including BPH.

The problems with current BPH treatments

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14 million men in the US are currently suffering
from symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia – or BPH
also known as an enlarged prostate.

The BPH Cycle: Frequent need to urinate day and
night disrupts daily living

Tired of having to make frequent or urgent trips to the bathroom, or the feeling that your bladder is never fully empty? What about getting up in the middle of the night stumbling in the dark to find the bathroom, risking a serious fall while trying not to wake others, then having to get back to sleep only to start the cycle all over again.

If you have one or more of the following symptoms,
you may have BPH:

The need to urinate frequently or urgently

The need to get up at night to use the toilet

Difficulty passing urine when going to the toilet

Weak stream or straining to urinate

The feeling that the bladder isn’t empty even after urinating

These symptoms negatively impact daily life, leading many men down a treatment path with options that are highly invasive and come with complications & unpleasant side effects. However, a new, completely non-invasive and highly effective treatment option is now available that should be considered as a first option.

Specific to BPH, a recent study found that ESWT treatment
delivered meaningful improvement in key aspects of BPH.

The recent study concluded that ESWT treatments have proven to reduce the symptoms related to BPH 38-70% depending on the metric used. There appears to be a clear pathway for an effective, non-invasive BPH treatment option before resorting to various medical procedures.

Measurement & Percentage of Improvement

*based on satisfaction level of 7 urination attributes: emptying, frequency, intermittency, urgency, weak stream, straining, nocturia (night time)

**also used for assessment of Erectile Dysfunction condition or “ED”

RegenePulse can change your life.
What are you waiting for?

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